It is the Policy of CROMA PC to achieve and maintain the highest Quality performance in meeting our Clients’ needs and expectations. Highest Quality performance implies that the services and solutions that we provide our Clients are in accordance with:
- their requirements and our contractual obligations,
- all applicable legal and regulatory requirements,
- the highest ethical values and standards that we have adopted, and
- strict principles of confidentiality that govern the information that we are entrusted.
Our Quality Policy is defined and strongly driven by the following principles:
- building a mutually profitable relationship with our Clients that contributes to their long-term success,
- effective risk management that rests on a structured process for the identification and evaluation of actual or potential risks, and the implementation of comprehensive initiatives to take advantage of, avoid, or mitigate their impact,
- continual improvement and innovation based on efficient business processes, well-defined measurements, best practices, and stakeholder feedback,
- developing staff competencies, creativity, empowerment, and accountability through appropriate development programs and strong management involvement and commitment,
- defining, monitoring, analyzing and evaluating all the critical aspects of our business, and establishing measurable quality objectives through the Management Review process that support our strategic direction and commitment to Quality.
In order to be consistent with the above, we have adopted a formal Quality Management System, which complies with the ISO 9001:2015 International Standard. Our Quality Management System addresses all Company activities that have a direct effect on the Quality of our deliverables and our Clients’ satisfaction. Through our Quality Management System, we review, update, and constantly improve upon the characteristics of the services that we offer to our Clients, and provide the necessary resources needed for the effective and efficient operation of every Company Function.
Top Management believes that through our Quality Management System a Company-wide continual improvement process can be achieved. Therefore, the Management of CROMA is committed to complying with the Quality Policy, while at the same time will channel stakeholder feedback, improvements, results, and goals to all Company staff.
Our Quality Policy is available and maintained as part of our Quality Management System’s documentation. It is communicated, understood, and applied within the Company, and made available to all relevant interested parties, as appropriate.